Friday, May 18, 2012

Food is Happiness

Not too long ago, I read an article about the food we eat in relation to discovering allergies (I don’t have the source, so you’ll just have to trust what I’m saying).  It basically said that if our bodies don’t like the food we eat, it could affect our moods.  My immediate reaction was one of disbelief; not because I had never thought of this before, but because I didn’t think this required some study.  Doesn’t everyone know this?  Eating good food makes us feel good.  You know the saying “never trust a skinny cook?”  I think it should be to never trust an unhappy one.

When we planted at the community garden, I also realized how good it could feel to prepare that food.  From planting to preparing, if I have a hand in the meal I eat, it only makes me feel that much better.  Cooking is both therapy and a bonding experience.  I learned that planting could be the same.  For someone whom is self-admittedly OCD and controlling, in the kitchen, working with others in the kitchen or garden means that I have to give an amount of trust.  It means stopping to enjoy the task at hand. 

When I cooked and planted with the class, I noticed how much I, and everyone around me, would laugh.  We were having fun.  Having seemingly chugged my morning coffee only minutes before, this was a vast improvement in mood.  Our tasks required our own personal efforts and communication to get it right, and we delivered.  Over the past few weeks, just becoming more hands-on in the food process has produced a steady confidence in capability.  We can, and did, do this.  The gratification from this is something that can’t be explained, but only experienced.

Grab an apron or some gardening gloves.  A better mood awaits you.


  1. I think it's interesting how everyone's mood changed. Even in the movie, when the brothers were arguing, once they started cooking it was like nothing had ever.
    That hands-on definitely creates a better and happier you.

  2. I think the relationship between food and mood specifically affects college students. When I had to eat at the CC, UG, or my old sorority, my mood was significantly different compared to what it is now that I have my own kitchen. Being able to choose exactly what and when I eat has improved my mood and made me feel more comforted. Who knew that such a small move across campus to Garritt Street could make such a big difference?
